Friday, May 29, 2009

nashville & boy meets world

today i left with All the Day Holiday for nashville. we made a quick stop at meijer to get a new side mirror for the van and nate got a sweet hat, that looks quite good on him i might add haha. we took off for nashville and got stuck in some traffic, but still made it in a little over 5 hours.

mark was driving today.

hammer strength.

we got to nashville around 8:30pm and met up with some of All the Day Holidays long time friends that used to play in the band The Red Racer. we had a cookout at one of the guys houses named tyler. he is an awesome guy and played us some of his new music he has been working on and it sounded great. i met the other guys that lived at the house and they were all film students at Watkins down here in nashville and they all had amazing work.

hanging out.

custom bunk beds.

serious business haha.

it was a great first day of the tour and we have a 6 hour drive to little rock, AR tomorrow. we have been watching the whole first season of Boy Meets World haha and i just heard mark talking in his sleep so that means its about time for me to go to bed haha.

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